
2010. május 1., szombat

My New Tattoo!I did it again :)

Here is my new tattoo!I know everybody now will say that I imitate Vincent Hermance!Well I am a big Supermance fan but this tattoo is not the same even if its werry similar!I was thinking a lot about this tattoo but I realy like it so I don't give a ..... if somebody sayes anything!I like it its not finished it will continues up to my sholder and a little down!One more time I would like to accentuat that I did't imitate or made this tattoo becouse of Vince I just liked it and I made it!

I hope even Vince will not have hard feelings for this tattoo!

I Place at Saint George Days!

Last weekend took place the 3rd Saint George Days Trial contest!The weather was a little bad but the most important was that did't rain!This race was like at Koxx Days 2010 the Baron Race!Every participant has 2 minutes to show the best of his moves!There was 11 participant from all over Romania(Miercurea Ciuc,Brasov,Bucarest,Bacau)The first round was the qualifications,the best 5 riders gone forward to the Finals!It was a good race I engoy it!

Results: 1;Orban-Barra Gabor
2;Gabriel Alexandru
3;Andrei Nicorescu